Herman Cain’s Logic Model for Lies and Deceit Regarding Sexual Harassment, Affairs, and Such

Step 1: Issue Absolute Denial About Sexual Harassment
Example: I have never sexually harassed anyone.

Step 2: Issue Absolute Denial About Affairs
Example: The accusations are not true. 
Example: It was just a friendship relationship.

Step 3: Issue Impossible and Implausible Denial
Example: I have never acted inappropriately with anyone. Period.

Step 4: Become a Victim Yourself!
Example: I am falsely accused.

Step 5: Blame the Media for Your Sexual Harassment
Example: It’s a liberal media conspiracy [for releasing report].

Step 6: Blame the Ladies for Your Sexual Harassment
Example: She is a troubled woman.
Example: She was out of work and destitute, desperate.
Example: They are all lying.

Step 7: Blame Vague but Sinister Forces
Example: [I blame] factions that are trying to destroy me [i.e., Rick Perry].

Step 8: Blame Imaginary but Malevolent Entity
Example: The Democratic Machine is making false accusations.

Step 9: Issue False but Cute Falsehood
Example: Most of my supporters have stayed on the Cain train.

Step 10: Inject Unnecessary and Confusing Race/Racism Comment
Example: African-Americans have been brainwashed….


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